A really low cost part locating system, delivering X-Y-Rotation-Laying side coordinates of parts, even with , suitable for robotized picking and deburring. ROBOVIEW is available in several versions, one of them based upon our standalone , connected via RS232 (or any field bus) to the robot control unit. PC-based versions can communicate with the robot control unit via RS232 or 24V parallel link or even sharing a single PC with the robot control application in a multitasking environment and delivrering coordinates by means of a DLL. Parts are located in resonably short time (300msec to one second), usually easily hidden within the robot duty cycle. Processing time depends on such issues as part's complexity and system's configuration: we usually guarantee a part's location within one second (asymmetric parts with flashing, double DSP configuration); our customers are by now actually much better than ourselves at achieving high speed, boasting reliable location times as short as 5-700milliseconds. Several plants have been deployed and have been continuatively operating for several years now: among them, even a few ones outside of Italy (Germany, Corea): it is extremely reassuring, to us, that we have to admit that we have never ever had to visit any of these installations on the field, thus implying that ROBOVIEW is simple and reliable enough to be perfectly and seamlessly managed by our integrators and customers. We do not handle much printed stuff about ROBOVIEW: in facts, we try to capture our customer's interest by carying out short tests on their parts: a couple of hour are tipically enough to create a few patterns on their samples and start feeling the robustness and ease of use that will make ROBOVIEW their choice. ROBOVIEW has been shown, by our customers, at such major events as BIMU in Milan, Hannover and Detroit. Related events are Features:
...and when I say "LOW COST"...(price list in KLit, not including PC when needed)