(English? See below...)
Una lista più aggiornata e completa è scaricabile, insieme a tutti i manuali tecnici QUI. Non siete programmatori C? Se non avete tempo per realizzare un'applicazione in C, potete utilizzare l'ambiente di sviluppo visuale VisionTools: un ambiente grafico col quale è possibile impostare le funzionalità della telecamera per applicazioni standalone senza realizzare un programma, creando un diagramma di flusso di tools predefiniti! Sia VISUAL che terze parti propongono librerie e funzioni addizionali (pattern matching, OCR, lettura di codici a barre e 2D, gestione di menu interattivi a finestre, librerie ottimizzte, utitlities etc.): sono qui! Vai a Overview!
All tech doc and a more comprehensive list of available functions can be downloaded HERE. Not a C Programmer? Never mind! Use VisionTool, a visual, interactive environment that can be used to configure a real applications without writing any code! Or, try the tools and utilites from developers to developers, available here! After perusing the library, go back to English link! Overview of the library functions
(Back to top) rd32 Read a 32-bit long from DRAMwr32 Write a 32-bit long to DRAMxorpix XOR a byte in DRAMxorovl XOR an overlay bitsprint Formatted output of text and variables to a stringchprint Output a string to an image variablechprint_ov Output a string to an Output a string to an image variable/overlay versionvcsetup Initialize memory managementvcmalloc Allocate memory in the DMEMvcfree Release memoryprtfree Output free memory segmentsgetvar Read system variablesetvar Write system variablegetstptr Read stack pointer
Functions for processing gray images (Back to top)img2 link two link two image variablesimgf any 3 x 3 operator of an any 3 x 3 operator of an image variableff3 3 x 3 filter with any maskset set set image variable to a constant valueprojh horizontal projection of an horizontal projection of an image variableprojv vertical projection of an image variablecopy copy an image variablelook look-up table functionhisto histogram of an image variablefocus calculate the focal value of an calculate the focal value of an image variable
Functions for processing binary images in run length code (Back to top)rlcmk create run length code for an image variablerlcout output output run length coderlc2 logical link of two images in logical link of two images in run length coderlc_area calculate area in calculate area in run length coderlc_feature determine feature in unlabeled determine feature in unlabeled RLCsgmt segment segment run length code (object labeling)dispobj output labeled output labeled run length coderlc_cut cut individual objects out of the labeled cut individual objects out of the labeled RLCchkrlc check RLCrl_area2 calculate object area in the labeled calculate object area in the labeled RLCrl_ftr2 calculate object features in the labeled calculate object features in the labeled RLC
area: object area x_center: x-coordinate of the center of gravity y_center: y-coordinate of the center of gravity x_min: smallest x-coordinate x_max: largest x-coordinate y_min: smallest y-coordinate y_max: largest y-coordinate x_lst: last x-coordinate in the last line color: object color (0 = black, -1 = white) Functions for processing pixel lists (Back to top)ad_calc address calculation for an array with x/y-coordinateswp_list write video memory/access via address listwp_set write video memory with constant/access via address listwp_xor XOR video memory with constant/access via address listwo_set write overlay with constant/access via address listwo_xor XOR overlay with constant /access via address listrp_list read video meory/access via address listwo_list write overlay memory/access via address listro_list read video memory/access via address list
Graphics functions (Back to top)linexy basic line creation routineline draw lineframe draw framedframe draw double-width framemarker draw markerdmarker draw double-width marker
Basic functions for experienced programmers (Back to top)Functions for processing gray-scale images/image windows histof basic histogram routinefocusf basic focusing routinelookf basic look-up table routineadd2f basic image addition routinesub2f basic image subtraction routinemax2f basic image maximum routinemin2f basic image minimum routineand2f basic routine for ANDing the imageor2f basic routine for ORing the imagexor2f basic routine for XORing the imageaddlf basic line sum routinesobelf basic Sobel filter routinelaplacef basic Laplace filter routinemaxf basic maximum filter routineminf basic minimum filter routinef3f basic 3x3 filter routine
Functions for processing run length code (Back to top)rlcmkf basic routine for creating basic routine for creating run length coderlcoutf basic routine for outputting basic routine for outputting run length coderlc_andf basic routine for ANDing basic routine for ANDing run length coderlc_orf basic routine for ORing basic routine for ORing run length coderlc_xorf basic routine for XORing basic routine for XORing run length coderlc_xdil horizontal dilation in the horizontal dilation in the run length coder_area determination of area in the determination of area in the RLCx_center determination of area and of the x-center in the determination of area and of the x-center in the RLCy_center determination of the y-center in the determination of the y-center in the RLCr_max determination of the extreme values in the determination of the extreme values in the RLCsgm_init initialization of object labelingrlc_sgmt basic routine for object labelingrl_area determination of area in the labeled determination of area in the labeled RLCrl_xyc determination of area and center in the labeled determination of area and center in the labeled RLCrl_mnmx determination of bounding box in the labeled determination of bounding box in the labeled RLCrl_col determination of the object color in the labeled determination of the object color in the labeled RLCchgf basic routine for character generationList of library functions List of library functions (Back to top)Type Legend: A: Assembly function C: C function M: Macro Name / Type / Description long rd32(long addr) A read 32-bit long from DRAMvoid wr32(long value, long addr) A write 32-bit long to DRAMvoid xorpix (int value, long addr) A XOR a byte in DRAMvoid xorovl (int value, long addr) A XOR an overlay bitvoid sprint(char *s, char *format, ...) C formatted string outputvoid chprint(char *s, image *a, C Write a string to image variableint cx, int cy) void chprint_ov(char *s, image *a, C Write a string to overlayint cx, int cy) void vcsetup(void) A Initialize memory managementvoid *vcmalloc(unsigned int size) A Request heap memoryvoid vcfree(void *ptr) A Release heap memoryvoid prtfree(void) C Print free heap memoryint getvar(var) M Read system variablesetvar(var, int x) M Write system variableint getstptr(void) A Read stack pointervoid img2(image *a, image *b, image *c, C Link 2 image variablesvoid (*func)(),int q) add2(image *a, image *b, M Add two image variablesimage *c, int sh) sub2(image *a, image *b, image *c) M Subtract two image variablesmax2(image *a, image *b, image *c) M Maximum of two image variablesmin2(image *a, image *b, image *c) M Minimum of two image variablesand2(image *a, image *b, image *c) M AND two image variablesor2 (image *a, image *b, image *c) M OR two image variablesvoid imgf(image *a, C any 3x3 operatorimage *b, void *func()) sobel(image *a, image *b) M Sobel operatorlaplace(image *a, image *b) M Laplace operatormx(image *a, image *b) M Maximum operatormn(image *a, image *b) M Minimum operatorvoid set(image *a, int x) C Write constant to image variablevoid projh(image *a, C Horizontal projectionunsigned int result[dy]) void projv(image *a, C Vertical projectionunsigned int result[dx]) void copy(image *a, image *b) C Copy image variablevoid look(image *a, image *b, C Look-up tableint table[256]) void histo(image *a, long hist[256]) C Histogramlong rlcmk(image *a, int thr, C Create RLClong rlc, long size) int rlcout(image *a, long rlc, C Output RLCint dark, int light) long rlc2(long rlca, long rlcb, C Link any 2 RLCslong dest, int * (*func)() ) rlcand(long a, long b, long dest) M AND RLCsrlcor(long a, long b, long dest) M OR RLCsrlcxor(long a, long b, long dest) M XOR RLCslong rlc_area(long rlc, int color) M Calculate area in RLCvoid rlc_feature(feature *f, C Determine features, unlabeled RLClong rlc, int color) long sgmt(long rlc, long slc) C Label RLCint dispobj(image *a, long rlc) C Output labeled RLClong rlc_cut(long src, long dest, C Cut objects from RLCint objnum) int chkrlc(long rlc) C Check RLCint rl_area2(long rlc, long *area, C Object areas in labeled RLCint n) int rl_ftr2(long rlc, ftr *f, int n) C Object features in labeled RLCvoid ad_calc(int count, int *xy, A Address list from x/y-coordinateslong ad_list[], long start, int pitch)void wp_list(int count, A Write address/value list to video mem.long ad_list[], int v_list[]) void wp_set(int count, A Write constant/address listlong ad_list[], int value) void wp_xor(int count, A XOR constant/address listlong ad_list[], int value) void wo_set(int count, A Write constant (OVL)/address listlong ad_list[], int value) void wo_xor(int count, A XOR constant (OVL)/address listlong ad_list[], int value) void rp_list(int count, A Read video memory/address listlong ad_list[], int v_list[]) void wo_list(int count, A Write address/value list to overlaylong ad_list[], int v_list[]) void ro_list(int count, A Read overlay/address listlong ad_list[], int v_list[]) int linexy(int dx, int dy, int *xy) C Basic line creation routinevoid line(image *a, int x1, int y1, C Draw lineint x2, int y2, int col, void (*func)() ) lined(image *a, int x1, int y1, M Draw line in video memoryint x2, int y2, col) linex(image *a, int x1, int y1, M Draw line in video memory/XORint x2, int y2, col) lineo(image *a, int x1, int y1, M Draw line in overlayint x2, int y2) linez(image *a, int x1, int y1, M Draw line in overlay/XORint x2, int y2) void frame(image *a, int col, C Draw framevoid (*func)()) framed(image *a, col) M Draw frame in video memoryframex(image *a, col) M Draw frame in video memory/XORframeo(image *a) M Draw frame in overlayframez(image *a) M Draw frame in overlay/XORvoid dframe(image *a, int col, C Draw wide framevoid (*func)()) dframed(image *a, int col) M Draw wide frame in video memorydframex(image *a, int col) M Draw wide frame in vid. memory/XORdframeo(image *a) M Draw wide frame in overlaydframez(image *a) M Draw wide frame in overlay/XORvoid marker(image *a, int col, C Draw markervoid (*func)()) markerd(image *a, col) M Draw marker in video memorymarkerx(image *a, col) M Draw marker in video memory/XORmarkero(image *a, int col) M Draw marker in overlaymarkerz(image *a, int col) M Marker, overlay/XORvoid dmarker(image *a, int col, C Draw wide markervoid (*func)()) dmarkerd(image *a, int col) M Draw wide marker in video memorydmarkerx(image *a, int col) M Draw wide marker in video mem./XORdmarkero(image *a, int col) M Draw wide marker in overlaydmarkerz(image *a, int col) M Wide marker, overlay/XORvoid histof(int count, int *p, A Basic histogram routinelong hist[256]) long focusf(int count, int *p1, A Basic focus routineint *p2, int sh) void lookf(int count, int *p, A Basic look-up table routineint table[256]) void add2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image addition routineint *p2, int *pr, int sh) void sub2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image subtraction routineint *p2, int *pr) void max2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image maximum routineint *p2, int *pr) void min2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image minimum routineint *p2, int *pr) void and2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image AND routineint *p2, int *pr) void or2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image OR routineint *p2, int *pr) void xor2f(int count, int *p1, A Basic image XOR routineint *p2, int *pr) int addlf(int count, int *p) A Basic line sum routinevoid sobelf(int count,int *p1, A Basic Sobel filter routineint *p2,int *p3,int *pr) void laplacef(int count,int *p1, A Basic Laplace filter routineint *p2,int *p3,int *pr) void maxf(int count,int *p1, A Basic maximum filter routineint *p2,int *p3,int *pr) void minf(int count,int *p1, A Basic minimum filter routineint *p2,int *p3,int *pr) v oid f3f(int count,int *p1, A Basic 3x3 filter routineint *p2, int *p3, int *pr, static int pm c[3][3], int sh) int *rlcmkf(int dx, int thr, A Basic RLC creation routineint *source, int *dest) void rlcoutf(int *source, int *dest, A Basic RLC output routineint dx, int dark, int light) int *rlc_andf(int *p1, int *p2, A Basic RLC AND routineint *pr, int eol) int *rlc_orf(int *p1, int *p2, A Basic RLC OR routineint *pr, int eol) int *rlc_xorf(int *p1, int *p2, A Basic RLC XOR routineint *pr, int eol) int *rlc_xdil(int *p1, int *pr, int eol) A Basic X-dilation/RLC routineint r_area(int *p, int dx, int color) A Basic RLC area calculation routinevoid x_center(int *p, int dx, A Basic x-center RLC routineint color, feature *f) void y_center(int *p, int dx, A Basic y-center RLC routineint color, feature *f, int line) void r_max(int *p, int dx, A Basic extreme values RLC routineint color, feature *f, int line) int *sgm_init(rlc_desc *x) A Initialization of object labelingint *rlc_sgmt(rlc_desc *x) A Basic object labeling routinevoid chgf(int *p,int dx, A Basic character generation routineint ch_line, int bgnd, int fgnd)